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secondary 3 | Physics
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Luo Ruixiang
Luo Ruixiang

secondary 3 chevron_right Physics

For question 5, i not really sure of the answer. Can someone explain it to me please? Thank you.

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 582

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Shiekh Mohamad Farhan
Shiekh Mohamad Farhan's answer
224 answers (Tutor Details)
for q5, the answer is 0.5m/s. The image of the toddler in the mirror is equidistant with the toddler from the mirror. The image's position in the mirror is relative to the position of the object being reflected. If the object moves forward by 1 meter, the image will move forward by one meter too. So, the speed at which the virtual image moves is equal to the speed of the toddler. That's why the object and image will approach at 0.5m/s.