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primary 6 | Maths
3 Answers Below

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primary 6 chevron_right Maths

Pls help

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 198
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
Total amount of playtime per computer = 2.5×60 = 150min
Total amount of playtime for all 4 computers = 150min ×4 = 600min.
Playtime for each person = 600min ÷6 = 100min
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
If u dont understand the above comment,

It actually just means this:
1st 50min A B C D plays while E F watch
2nd 50min C D E F plays while A B watch
Last 50min E F A B plays while C D watch.

50min ×3 = 150min = 2.5h (which is the time from 2-4.30pm)

Basically it's just total playable time for all computers divided by no. Of players

See 3 Answers

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I'm solo
I'm Solo's answer
32 answers (A Helpful Person)
This is the correct photo
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I'm solo
I'm Solo's answer
32 answers (A Helpful Person)
Not sure if u read comments so i just screenshot the ans in the comment for u
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
Somehow the app changed my photo even though i didnt select this photo... my bad anyways
6 years ago
Not correct!
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
See the 3rd photo. Finally uploaded the correct ans. The app abit lousy
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
Look at the comment i wrote on your post itself if you don't understand the 3rd photo. My bad for uploading the incorrect answer twice.
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I'm solo
I'm Solo's answer
32 answers (A Helpful Person)
I'm solo
I'm Solo
6 years ago
Ignore this one as well. There's an error with the app.