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secondary 3 | E Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right E Maths

I know the “most correct” answer would be the one using the method on similarity BUT why do I end up with different values for CE when I use sine rule and cosine rule? Did I miss something?

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 228
Barry Tan
Barry Tan
6 years ago
Your similar triangle proportion is wrong, I suspect the 800m is wrong??
Tan Kee Lin
Tan Kee Lin
6 years ago
The question is drawn with incorrect dimensions.
6 years ago
That can’t be. I went over the same question a million times and made sure I had the right measurements. I even went to a triangle calculator. I worked backwards with the “correct answer” but I keep getting wrong dimensions. Is the question’s dimensions wrong or are mine?

Edit: Pardon me. I didn’t see you mention that the question’s dimensions were wrong.