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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

The answer key was written as 1/2×24×24=288; 288÷2=144.
Why is it not 1/2×12×12=72?
Pls help to explain. Thank you so much.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 362
6 years ago
Thank you for answering. I was confused of the right angle sign on line AC. So I thought the height was line AC.

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Ang Swee Huat
Ang Swee Huat's answer
15 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi Yenny! It's actually very easy if you look at the triangle from another angle. Trying rotating the paper anti clockwise like in the photo. And you can see that AD = AB which is 24cm. Thus, the height of the triangle is 24 and the base, AB, is also 24. So, area of triangle ABD is 1/2 x 24 x 24. And triangle ABC is half of triangle ABD so you divide the answer by 2.

In your method of doing, the height or base of triangle ABC is AC or BC but they are both not 12cm. Nothing was written that AC or BC is half of AB. It's easy to confuse yourself on that but now you know, it should be ok. :)
6 years ago
I was confused of the right angle sign on AC so I thought the height is AC.