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junior college 1 | H1 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H1 Maths

How to do 6 7 9 10 ? Integration

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 487

See 4 Answers

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Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei's answer
34 answers (Tutor Details)
6 years ago
Wait i dont understand . How do you know its sin2x? Is it a formula kind of thing ? Please do step by step cos i really dont understand
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
Formula list given during exams:
sin 2A ≡ 2 sin Acos A
Your aim is to make it into either sin or cos only so that it becomes simple integration
6 years ago
But why do you have to minus 1 ? I dont understand the second last and third part
6 years ago
Can i use integration by parts or special integration for this Q
6 years ago
Hi u there ? Is it possible ti use integration by parts or special integration to solve these?
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
cos2A = 2cos^2(A) - 1 (formula sheet)
You wanna avoid integration by parts as much as possible. It's the most tedious integration. Always try to simplify
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
When you have double angle, always refer back to formula sheet. I was also very weak in this until I slowly practice and learn to identify all these conversion of formula using formula sheet.
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Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei's answer
34 answers (Tutor Details)
Simple integration
6 years ago
Can you help me with Q5 too please. I alr do but i not sure if its right
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
Sorry tried but too long never do integration by parts. Answer from what I got online is 1/9 (3xsin(3x)+cos(3x)) + C
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
7 is here
6 years ago
Thank you for helping me really
Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei
6 years ago
No problem
6 years ago
Can help me again please please please .
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Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei's answer
34 answers (Tutor Details)
When facing fractions for non-trigo expressions, see if top is similar to bottom part when bottom is differentiated.
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Ching Ziwei
Ching Ziwei's answer
34 answers (Tutor Details)
Same as 5. sin 2A ≡ 2 sin Acos A
6 years ago
Thank you so much but how do i solve Q7?