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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths

May I ask how to do this question?

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 304
6 years ago
Let micheal’s present age is M and Ethan present age is E
In 2 years time
M+2 = 2(E+2)
M=2E + 2 : eqn 1

In 5 years,
M+5 + E+5 =x
M+E+10 =x: eqn 2
Substituting eqn 1 in 2,
2E +2 +E +10 =x
3E = x-12
E = (x-12)/3
M = 2 ((x-12)/3) +2 —> 3M= 2x-24 +6
M = 2/3 x - 6