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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths

Can u teach me how to do it

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 295

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Mr Teh
Mr Teh's answer
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Iman Nasir
Iman Nasir's answer
10 answers (A Helpful Person)
1. You must cross the numerator and denominator so you could calculate the unknown, r.

2. If denominator is brought to the other side, it will be times with the numerator at that side. Vise versa.

You could see in the calculation I provided.

3-r is the denominator, I brought it to the other side. So it become 1 x (3-r) totalling to 3-r.

4. Bring the unknown together. If -r brought to the other side, it become +r.

5. Now we got 2r that is equal to 1.

6. 1r is equal to 1/2.

Hope this helps!
6 years ago
Thank u!