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primary 6 | Maths
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Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen

primary 6 chevron_right Maths

How to do

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 438
6 years ago
The answers is 92 °

How to solved ?

1. Abc have straight line which is every straight line have 180°

2. To get angle of ebc = 180 - 125 = 55
3. To get angle of abd = 180 - 147 = 33
4. To get angle of dbe = 180 - 55 - 33 = 92
Md Akmal
Md Akmal
6 years ago
The answer is 92 degrees not 94
Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen
6 years ago
Hi so is it 92 or 94
Md Akmal
Md Akmal
6 years ago
The method is correct but the answer is 92
Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen
6 years ago
Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen
6 years ago
But can one of you write the answer
Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen
6 years ago
By adding
6 years ago
The answer n method has been correct. Just mistake while doing calculation only..
Chua jiaen
Chua Jiaen
6 years ago
I know but can write the answer on the paper and take picture

See 2 Answers

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Hope that will help you