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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

I don't undrstanding the answer. Why is it 36+89 and 12-5. Can someone please explains to me. Thank you.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 536
6 years ago
If each pupil gets 7 sweets at first, she has 36 left.

If each pupil gets 12 sweets instead,each pupil has to receive another 5 more sweets from her.

However, the 36 sweets she has left is not enough for that. She is short of 89 sweets.

36 sweets + 89 sweets = 125 sweets

This means that for each pupil to receive 5 more sweets, she needs to give them 125 more sweets in total.

Since each pupil receives 5 more sweets,

Number of pupils = 125 more sweets ÷ 5 more sweets per pupil = 25

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6 years ago
Really a big thanks.