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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths


Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 426

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Arjit Pandey
Arjit Pandey's answer
14 answers (Tutor Details)
Use algebra to derive the number of days first
6 years ago
Thank you
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Willy Sim
Willy Sim's answer
608 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope this helps
6 years ago
May i know why the 2nd model is not the reverse of 1st model? Why the 2nd $40 only half unit?
Thank you.
Willy Sim
Willy Sim
6 years ago
Since Sam spend $80 each day and tony spend $40 each day, which is half of what Sam spend, so by the time Sam finished, tony would have spent only half of what Sam have. Hope this explains.
Willy Sim
Willy Sim
6 years ago
Sam have the same amount of money, which is represented by the bar, it is how much tony had spent after Sam spent all his money.