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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

My pals 5a

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 259

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Cheryl Lim
Cheryl Lim's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
Model drawing helps for this question!
1. Q states that there are 53 more mango cakes than cheesecake. Draw that out, label the excess '53'
2. After selling half the mango cakes, there are 25 more cakes than cheesecakes. Indicate the info on the model. Can you see that half the total amount of mango cakes is the sum of 25 & 53?
3. With this, find the total amount of mango cakes.
4. The total amount of cheesecake is the sum of half the # of mango cakes and 25, as seen from the model.
5. Add up the total number of mango cakes and cheesecakes.
6. If you have time and are unsure of answer, please perform checking backwards.

Hope this helps! Cheers.
6 years ago