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primary 6 | Maths
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Jason Ow
Jason Ow

primary 6 chevron_right Maths

Please help me find the answer. Thanks

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 359
6 years ago
This sort of questions are called unchanged total.
Before: B:S:T
After: B:S:T
Now find the common multiple which is 65.
You will need to multiply all the numbers.
Before: B:S:T
Instead of 6:7:13, you will have 30:35:65.
The same goes for after. You will get 39:26:65.
As you can see, 9 units were transferred from S to B. So:
9units = 45
45 divided by 9 to get 5.
And then 5 multiply by 35 to get 175. This answer is for before transfer.
For after transfer---------5 x 26 = 130
Remember to always multiply by the number which has been converted.
Hope this helps you!

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Lee Wonn Jen
Lee Wonn Jen's answer
64 answers (A Helpful Person)
I assume the qn asking for number of people in the soccer team BEFORE transfer.