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secondary 2 | Maths
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Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

anyone can help with this plsss!!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 382

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James Ong
James Ong's answer
12 answers (Tutor Details)
It should look something like this. Your minimum point of your parabola curve should be (0.5, 0). Hope this works!!!
Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim
6 years ago
how do u know is a curve and all this?
James Ong
James Ong
6 years ago
If you see y = x^2 + x + constant, it’s a “U-shape” curve called the positive quadratic curve. However if it is -x^2 + x + constant then it is a “n-shape” curve which is a negative quadratic curve.

So basically y = x^2 + x + constant is a quadratic function.
James Ong
James Ong
6 years ago
I think for secondary school level, you guys learn 2 kinds of graphs (correct me if i’m Wrong)

-Linear graph (Straight Line graph)
-Quadratic graph (curve graph)

Linear equations usually comes in the form of y=mx+c where m is your gradient and c is your constant.
Eg. Y=4x+4

Quadratic equations usually comes in the form of y=x^2 + x + c where c is your constant Eg. Y= 2x^2 + 3x + 4
Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim
6 years ago
like idk how to get Y all this because usually they would give a table to find Y
James Ong
James Ong
6 years ago
Oh you mean for that previous question you posted ah?
Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim
6 years ago
James Ong
James Ong
6 years ago
The table is actually an extra information. In your question, they give you a range of x values, -3<=x<=3 so I simply used that info to calculate the y. Like when x= -3 y=?, x=-2 y=? Until I reach when x= 3 y=? Then I plotted the graph using the y values calculated and x values given from the range.
Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim
6 years ago
for the y axis can i ask how many cm and how many unit?
James Ong
James Ong
6 years ago
You mean the standard grid paper? Or with reference to the question?

Standard grid paper if I’m not wrong is 1cm to 5 small units.

For the question, since the largest value is 49 then u just take like 1cm: 10units. Personal preference.