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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Crystal Fung
Premium Tutor
Crystal Fung

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths

Help ASAP...tq!!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 405
Josie Phang
Josie Phang
6 years ago
Do LCM. Numbers of marshmallow minus the answer of the LCM = Answer

See 1 Answer

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J's answer
1022 answers (A Helpful Person)
6 years ago
If it's asking for HCF, only 20 of each candy type is needed. And since you already have 180 marshmellow jellies, there is no need to top up already.

And it's a 2-mark question. There's no point in giving a 2-mark question when the answer (find HCF) is already in part ai)

Since the question asks you how many marshmellow jellies she has to top up, means they are looking for LCM.
Crystal Fung
Premium Tutor
Crystal Fung
6 years ago
Yeah i understood sry
6 years ago
If you were the one that downvoted, think you should remove it thanks
Crystal Fung
Premium Tutor
Crystal Fung
6 years ago
I removed it long ago