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secondary 3 | E Maths
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Ambos Herbert Kyle Calo
Ambos Herbert Kyle Calo

secondary 3 chevron_right E Maths

How do I find the values of the line of symmetry?

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 403

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Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan's answer
2106 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hey Kyle, post again of no one answers within 12 hours - spamming of questions bumps your query down the line and out of sight. Note that the purpose of completing the square for quadratic functions is 1) to determine the line of symmetry. 2) to determine the min/max coordinate for the graph and 3) find the roots, when y = 0. Essentially, completing the square leads to the quadratic formula x = [-b +/- sqrt(b2 -4ac)] ÷ 2a