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primary 6 | Maths
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths

Please help me get the answer for this question.

Date Posted: 7 years ago
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Lim Han Quan
Lim Han Quan's answer
43 answers (A Helpful Person)
For a)
Take note that they have equal numbers of bags, the only thing to worry about it the "extra bags each of them have.

Another way to look at this is to imagine jermain and karen buying equal bags of both apples and pears. Then jermaone buys 2 extra bags of pears and karen buys 2 extra bags of apples. Since each apple bag has more fruits than each pear bag, karen bought more fruits.

For b) (super tricky)
We start off by assuming the smallest number of bags each can have, which is 4 (since jermaine needs to have at least 1 apple bag)

You ll notice that jermaine has 3 less fruits than linda at this current assumption.

To add more bags, add 2 bags to each to jermaine and linda
- jermaine gets 1 apple bag and 1 pear bag (this is to make sure jermaine still has 2 more pear bags than apple bags)
- linda gets 2 orange bags

Notice everytime you add 2 bags to each jermaine and linda, jermaine gets 11 more fruits but linda only gets 10 more fruits
Therefore their difference in number of fruits changes by +1

Now jermaine has 2 less fruits than linda :)

So the number of bags each person has is 6, so the total number of bags is 6 x 3 = 18 //

P.s. If jermaine has 1 less fruits than linda, just add 2 more bags to each girl, this will change the difference by +1 again

Hence this method can be applied for other similar questions

A bit lengthy but hope this helps :)

You can email me at [email protected] and i can help explain further if need be :)
7 years ago
The second answer for this question is 600. The third answer is 18 fruits but don't know how to arrive the ans.
7 years ago
The second answer for this question is 600. The third answer is 18 fruits but don't know how to arrive the ans.
Lim Han Quan
Lim Han Quan
7 years ago
Hmmm, i'm sorry but i'm puzzled as to why the answer is 600 for ai)

As for B)

We will start by considering the SMALLEST number of bags possible for each as person.

We have to note that Jermaine has 2 bags of Apples more than Pears.

Therefore Jermaine has to have at least 3 bags of Pears and 1 bag of Apples.


Since both girls have the same number of bags,
Linda has at least 4 bags of Oranges


if we calculate the number of fruits of each girl at this point:
Jermaine = 8 x 1 + 3 x 3 = 17
Linda = 5 x 4 = 20
We can see that Linda has 3 more fruits than Jermaine

But the question says that Jermaine should have 2 less fruits than Linda.

So now lets consider that Jermaine and Linda has more than 4 bags of fruit each

We have to make sure that Jermaine continues to have 2 bags of Pears more than bags of Apples, so we add 1 bag of Pears and 1 bag of Apples to Jermaine.
This gives Jermaine 8 + 3 = 11 more fruits


Now we do the same for Linda, we add 2 bags of Oranges to Linda since she should have the same number of bags as Jermaine.
This gives Linda 5 x 2 = 10 more fruits


INITIALLY, Jermaine has 3 fruits less than Linda when they had 4 bags each

NOW after adding 2 bags to each, Jermaine gets 11 more fruits, but Linda only gets 10 more, their difference in fruits decreases by 1

so now Jermaine has 2 fruits less than Linda, which happens when both girls have 6 bags of fruit each.

Since each girl has 6 bags, all 3 girls has 3 x 6 = 18 Bags

(Side note: if the question says that Jermaine has 1 less fruit than Linda, just add 2 bags of fruit each to Jermaine and Linda, this will decrease their difference by 1 again)

Super Lengthy but I hope this helps :)