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secondary 4 | A Maths
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Jonathan has been failing amaths lmfao
Jonathan Has Been Failing Amaths Lmfao

secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths

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Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 215

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Darius Low
Darius Low's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
From the info given in the qns, you can tell that angle A is in quadrant 2, so you know what orientation your triangle has. And since sinA =3/5, you have the dimensions for 2 of the sides. Using pythagoras, you can find the third side. And this will be the triangle you will be using to solve the 3 parts.

The "trick" to such questions is that when the questions says "without using a calculator", you should be expecting yourself to do something like this.
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Darius Low
Darius Low's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
Once you understand how to establish the triangle, the question becomes very straightforward.

For part ii, it's just a matter of recognizing that pi/2 is actually 90°, and that 90°-A means the other unknown angle.

For part iii, as long as you can recall your double angle formula, it's straightforward enough