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primary 6 | Maths
2 Answers Below

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Rachel Wong
Rachel Wong

primary 6 chevron_right Maths

Please help me for this , its so confusing!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 376
6 years ago
18 x 2/5 = 36/5 = 7 1/5m
7 1/5 m = 7m 20cm
18m - 7m 20cm = 10m 80cm
1/5 m = 20cm
10 m 80cm = 1080 cm
1080 / 20 = 54 pcs
Ng Si Jia Sharon
Ng Si Jia Sharon
6 years ago
The original rope is 8m not 18m

See 2 Answers

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Ng Si Jia Sharon
Ng Si Jia Sharon's answer
8 answers (Tutor Details)
4 pieces
Rachel Wong
Rachel Wong
6 years ago
Omg ! You are amazing , other tutors gave me the ans and I got wrong , the correct ans was actually 4pieces.. but one of the tutor gave me the ans 45 pieces . You are the best !!
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Nashreen's answer
32 answers (Tutor Details)
It is not necessary to always change fraction to decimal. You use (fraction/decimal) whichever suits you best.