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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Nur Alisya Naqiah
Nur Alisya Naqiah

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths

Really confused with this literature question.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 408
6 years ago
Are you confused about the context?

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Delena Chew
Delena Chew's answer
2 answers (Tutor Details)
The question is asking you to write a simile and a metaphor with the two words. Remember that a simile is a more direct comparison, trick is to use words such as "like" or "as". A metaphor is a more indirect/less obvious comparison of two things that may or may not be similar to each other. One trick is to use the word "is" to make the comparison between the two ideas/objects. Hope this helps :)