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See 3 Answers
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Apologies for the poor handwriting. Anyways the big idea behind it is to find for the area of the land algebrically, and equate it to 22 (give by qns). From there just simplify to get the eqn :)
Date Posted:
6 years ago
What about part B
Oh whoops, my bad
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Answer for part b. Sorry i forgot about the other parts. Anyways part b is quite straightforward
Date Posted:
6 years ago
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So for part c you just need to solve for x and y. Since you have two unknowns, you need two equations so that you can solve them simultaneously. And the question was kind enough to guide you into forming the two equations in part a and part b. So just use the two equations you had formed and solve simultaneously to get x and y :)
Date Posted:
6 years ago