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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths

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Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 578

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Michelle Siacor
Michelle Siacor's answer
6 answers (Tutor Details)
8(i) It is given that Monday was wet. So you're finding prob that Tues is wet (x0.6).... as the qns says.
(ii) Given that tues is wet, the prob for the next day (wed) to be fine must be (1-0.6=0.4)
(iii) To find this prob, P(tues fine, wed wet) + P(tues wet, wed fine)

Hope I helped :-)
7 years ago
why there's 0.2 for part (iii)?
Michelle Siacor
Michelle Siacor
7 years ago
Part (iii)
P(tues fine, wed wet) = (0.4)(1-0.8)
= (0.4)(0.2)

Since Tues was fine, it was given in the qns that the prob it will ALSO be fine on wed is 0.8... So the prob that it will NOT be fine on wed (wed wet) is (1-0.8 = 0.2)