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International Baccalaureatte | Maths HL
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Jack Black
Jack Black

International Baccalaureatte chevron_right Maths HL

Let n be a fixed positive integer...

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 477
Wen Guotai Daniel
Wen Guotai Daniel
6 years ago
What does that "1 £ a, b £ n" mean?
Mark Thong
Premium Tutor
Mark Thong
6 years ago
I think it's 1 =< a,b =< n .

So the question is talking about the subset of Farey sequence (minus the first term of 0/1) .

If we understand how Farey sequence is expanded for successive values of n, then we can apply that understanding and use mathematical induction to prove bc-ad=1 .
Wen Guotai Daniel
Wen Guotai Daniel
6 years ago
Thanks Mr. Mark, for sharing. Will do some search and study on that. Cheers.

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Wen Guotai Daniel
Wen Guotai Daniel's answer
66 answers (Tutor Details)
This is not a very magnetically correct way to prove something. But the argument is clear. Do share here when you have the answer. Cheers!