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primary 5 | Maths
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Naywirah Aiman
Naywirah Aiman

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Pls help

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 1407

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Denise's answer
4 answers (Tutor Details)
First, since you have the total marks for each pair of subjects, you can add any two pairs as shown where I used added marks for (english and science) and (math and science) to give me the total of 153 marks for (English and Math and 2 Science).

Secondly, I minused 71, the total marks for (English and Math) from the total of 153 in order to find the remaining marks for (2 Science).
Since both Science represents the same amount of marks, in order to find the marks for Science, divide 82 by 2 which gives you 41 marks.

To find the total marks for ALL 3 subjects, simply add 41 which is Science marks to the total marks of English and Math.

If I double check, from my further calculations (not shown)
Math would be 34 marks
English would be 37 marks