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secondary 2 | Maths
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khaliesah nasir
Khaliesah Nasir

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

help asap :)

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 665
Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan
6 years ago
Never say please? ASAP = As Slow As Possible. I will answer in 10 years.

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Chua Ru Xin
Chua Ru Xin's answer
2 answers (Tutor Details)
For part a, let's assume $10 as one part. One part of $10 gives me THB259. Now lets find out how many $10 parts $300 has. That's why we divide 300 by 10 and we get 30. Now we know $300 got 30 parts of $10. To find out how many THB we can get from $300, simply multiply 259 by 30, and we have the answer.

For part b, hire me and I'll teach you :)