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secondary 2 | Maths
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secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

hello !!!so im a sec 1 and im moving on to sec 2 next yr and i wanted to write some pre-written notes for next yr .while doing maths i came across this qns and i dont understand the equation 100=9m2-12m+4 as well as the equation 9m2-12m-96=0 so hope tht smn can help me !!!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 324

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Tuition Singapore
Tuition Singapore's answer
21 answers (A Helpful Person)
There you go :)
6 years ago
ooo thank you so much !!!but may ik why its -2(3m)(2) ?idu tht part
6 years ago
tysm !!!! but idu the -2(3m)(2)
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Tuition Singapore
Tuition Singapore's answer
21 answers (A Helpful Person)