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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths

Hii. I need help in questions 25b and 25c. I hope u can help me. Thank you :)

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 407
Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz
7 years ago
For part b, you will need to extrapolate the line. Extend the line till it hits the y-axis so the intercept will correspond to the length of the spring with no load

For part c, use the graph and find the length when the load is 0.3 kg and then the length at 1.3 kg (0.3 kg + 1 kg). Take the difference then

Hope this answers ur doubts
7 years ago
Yes it does. Thank you very much once again
Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz
7 years ago
You are most welcome

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