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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Gina Castaneda
Gina Castaneda

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths

I nerd help on b bit on the top one

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 369
Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz
7 years ago
Domain is the x-values. So for the top one, the domain is (-1 to 2) inclusive

Range is the y-values.
So range is (-2 to 2) inclusive
Gina Castaneda
Gina Castaneda
7 years ago
How did you get that ??
Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz
7 years ago
Looking at the curve. If you see the x values starts from -1 and ends at 2.

While for the y values:
The max is at 2 and the min is at -2
So the range of values is between-2 and 2
Gina Castaneda
Gina Castaneda
7 years ago
Oh k thanks
Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz
7 years ago
You are welcome

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Gina Castaneda
Gina Castaneda's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
I had a answer but it was wrong i think