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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths

For ai , A is chiral, but how can it be when it releases CO2 during strong ox?? Pls help !!

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 478
Yap Zuo Ming
Yap Zuo Ming
7 years ago
1 chiral carbon, still got 3 other carbons inside A
7 years ago
Chiral carbon isnt it 4 siff R grp? Then if strong oxd is performed then if product is CO2 shldnt 2 of the atoms attached to the chiral carbon be H??? Then thats alr not chiral
Carbon what ?? :0
Yap Zuo Ming
Yap Zuo Ming
7 years ago
Ok i have my answer. But before i show it to you. Youre thinking very laterally. Look at the nunber of H atoms. Then youll realise whats wrong.

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Yap Zuo Ming
Yap Zuo Ming's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
The low number of H atoms should suggest either aromatic or alkenes. Since only 4 carbon, it has to have a c=c somewhere. And for complete oxidation that leads to CO2, one side of the alkene has to be a single carbon so that when the bond is oxidised it can turn into co2 while the other side becomes an acid