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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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junior college 2 chevron_right H2 Maths

Why to find acc at 200ms need draw tangent?
Cant just use the velocity at that time and minus inital 5ms-1?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 799

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Lee Cheong Kiat
Lee Cheong Kiat's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
Basically, acceleration is a derivative of velocity. You differentiate velocity to get acceleration. Since the graph is a velocity/time graph, draw a tangent at t=200ms (v = 2.9ms-1), find 2 accurate points along the tangent and calculate the acceleration (ms-2) using the gradient formula.
7 years ago
Thanks! But isnt a=change in v/t?
Lee Cheong Kiat
Lee Cheong Kiat
7 years ago
yes you are right. looking at the axis of the graph it’s v against t right. So when you draw a tangent and find 2 points along the tangent to find the gradient, isn’t (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) the same as (change in v)/(change in t)?