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See 2 Answers
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I’ve also written some notes regarding your presentation for the previous qn. Have a look.
Date Posted:
7 years ago
Cool! Appreciate your notes they are helpful and I have made the corrections.
Hi, I didn't realise that I should square
a - b = - 8. Can u enlighten?
a - b = - 8. Can u enlighten?
The intuition comes from the fact that you require the squares of a and b. Squaring both sides will get you there. And if you’re given this worksheet to do then you must have learned the 3 algebraic identities. You then make use of that knowledge to accomplish the expansion :)
Got it! I realised where my mistake is I written (a + b)^2 instead of (a -b)^2 that's why I couldn't figure out the right identities to solve. Thanks for help.
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Any questions? :)
Date Posted:
7 years ago