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secondary 2 | Maths
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Faith DaSilva
Faith DaSilva

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

reflection across y=2
Original points are: J(1,3), U(0,5),R(1,5),C(3,2)
please tell me the new coordinates

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 452
Faith DaSilva
Faith DaSilva
6 years ago
Someone please help me
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
I am outside, cannot draw but can guide you
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
Step 1) Draw the horizontal line y=2
Step 2) Count the vertical distance from one point to this line y=2
Step 3) count the same vertical distance on the opposite side of the y=2 line, that will be the answer

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Tham KY
Tham Ky's answer
6052 answers (Tutor Details)
Inconvenient to draw on paper...
Do you understand?
Will comment the answers if the other 2 points later...
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
R(1,5) is reflected to R'(1,-3)
C(3,2) is on y=2 line, still on y=2 after reflection, so no change in its coordinates.