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secondary 2 | Maths
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Faith DaSilva
Faith DaSilva

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

I neex help rotating the rectangle ABCD counter clockwise 90º about Point A and please name the coordinates.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 589
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
Are you sure is clockwise 90° at A? The rectangle will be out if your graph!
Faith DaSilva
Faith DaSilva
6 years ago
It has to be rotated 90º counter clockwise about Point A it says it on the paper
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
Oh, sorry, I missed the "counter"!
Faith DaSilva
Faith DaSilva
6 years ago
Its okay

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