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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

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Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 346
Aries Tan
Aries Tan
7 years ago
Since each beef pies and mutton pies at $2.30 each,

Take $2.30 x 2 = $4.60,

To find cost for 1 set of beef pie and mutton pie

Mr Toh sold it at $2.50 for beef pie and $2.90 for mutton pie.

Hence add them up,
( 1 set of beef pie and mutton pie)

To find the profits gained from selling 1 set of beef pie and mutton pie,

$5.40-$4.60=$0.80 (profits)

Hence take
$124/$0.80= 155 sets of beef pie and muttons

Hope my answer will suffice to address your query (:

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Mark Yeo
Mark Yeo's answer
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Here U go. Contact me if you need explanation.