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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Shanice Lee
Shanice Lee

junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths

Thank you

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 744
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
May I know is the answer 9.52 or 33.1?
I got two different methods but different answers! Can't see where is my mistake... Do you have the answer?
Shanice Lee
Shanice Lee
7 years ago
Is 9.52

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Sorry, a bit messy...
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
Hmm.. may I ask a question?

Your answer seems to be the volume if you rotate about the y axis . Will the answer not be different from rotating about the line x=-root(10)?

Cause the axis of rotation may be parallel but the solid formed seemed different when I try to imagine it.

Sorry blame on my weak concept when it comes to volume
Shanice Lee
Shanice Lee
7 years ago
Thank you
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
Hi Pier Yong, the integration is to find volume if shaded region rotates 360° about x=-√10.
If it was to rotate about y-axis, the volume is just the volume of a cylinder minus the volume of a hemisphere, which gives different answer.
Not sure if I answer your question, coz I don't really understand what you asked! Sorry...
Shanice Lee
Shanice Lee
7 years ago
Hi ! The question ask to find to volume rotation about the x-axis, but why didnt you integrate from -square root 10 to 0 ?But you integrate from 0 to square root 10 (which is for rotation about the y-axis).
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
Question asked for rotation about x=-√10 line, not about x-axis...
Any rotation parallel to y-axis must do integration with respect to y, ie int () dy.
When int () dy is used, limits must be in y.
So the volume is found to be integration from y=0 to y=√10....
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
Yeah I understand already. Sorry about it
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
No sorry at all, we share knowledge :)
Shanice Lee
Shanice Lee
7 years ago
Okay understood thanks