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primary 6 | Maths
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths


Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 315

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Tan Kiat Boon
Tan Kiat Boon's answer
197 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope the diagram help you understand better
6 years ago
Hi can you explain to me how you get the answer?Thanks!
6 years ago
Good but i dont understand the workings.Please explain to me.Thanks!
Tan Kiat Boon
Tan Kiat Boon
6 years ago
Hello, consider a simpler example. I make it to a smaller scale.
If there's 10 people in the party and contains male and female. There are 2 more males than females.
If you use your 10 fingers to count, taking away 2 fingers, you would have 8 fingers left. Do you agree this 8 fingers consist of equal amount of males and females, so we can just divide by 2 the 8 fingers to give you 4. Hence, you have 4 females and 4+2=6 males (since there are 2 more males) in the party.
Now applying the same concept to this question. Hope it helps! :)