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primary 5 | Maths
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Veston How
Veston How

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

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Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 774

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Leow Jing Yi
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Veston How
Veston How
7 years ago
What must take 10+6 (pls help me im dumb af)
Veston How
Veston How
7 years ago
I do not understand
Leow Jing Yi
Leow Jing Yi
7 years ago
That is difference between the two numbers.
Let's compare the "6 fewer than her original" with the "10more than original", that will make 10 more become 16 more
So if having 16 more will only allow the average to increase by 2, you can find the number of ppl by finding how many it takes for 16 to be divided by to get 2