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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

Please help. Not sure how to do

Date Posted: 6 days ago
Views: 69
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
6 days ago
All angles here are measured in degrees.

Angle PRQ
= half of angle POQ (because angle in a centre of a circle is twice the corresponding angle at the circumference of the same circle)
= half of 8x
= 4x

Now, let’s draw a line from O to R.

Won’t OP = OR?
Then, angle ORP = x because triangle OPR is isosceles.

By a similar argument, angle ORQ = 24.

Obviously angle PRQ is made up of its components, angles ORP and ORQ, so

4x = x + 24
4x - x = 24
3x = 24
x = 24/3
x = 8

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Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan's answer
2151 answers (A Helpful Person)
This is one approach