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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

For question c(ii) is there something wrong with my working? Cus my ans seems to be the exact opposite of what the correct ans is,I’ve scrutinised my working but I can’t seem to find a careless mistake

Date Posted: 2 weeks ago
Views: 43
2 weeks ago
you are right!

the given answer and yours is the same.

if you want to get to the given answer you take out -1 from both the numerator and denominator of the right hand side of your final step.

-1 on top and bottom cancels out and you should get the given answer.

If your teacher marks this you should be getting full credit for it.

See 2 Answers

done {{ upvoteCount }} Upvotes
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Shai's answer
9 answers (A Helpful Person)
To clarify further
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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13051 answers (A Helpful Person)
Your answer is acceptable. Unless you want to convert it by multiply it with (-1/-1). Hope this helps