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primary 6 | Maths | Geometry
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Geometry chevron_right Singapore

Can help for part b for the formula of grey circles? Thank u

Date Posted: 1 month ago
Views: 56
1 month ago
Alternative for part c)

Every jump of 2 figures results in an increase of 1 grey circle.

From figure 1 to figure 425,

425 - 1 = 424

There is a increase of 424 figures.

424 ÷ 2 = 212

There were 212 jumps. So grey circles increased by 212

2 + 212 = 214

There are 214 circles in figure 425.

From here it is easy to solve.
1 month ago
A more direct way:

Every jump of 2 figures results in an increase of 5 white circles.

From figure 1 to figure 425,

425 - 1 = 424

There is a increase of 424 figures.

424 ÷ 2 = 212

There were 212 jumps.

212 x 5 = 1060

Number of white circles increased by 1060.

4 + 1060 = 1064

There are 1064 circles in Figure 425.

Percentage that were white circles

= 100% x 1064/1278
≈ 83.255%
= 83.3% (to 1 decimal place)

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Hope this helps
1 week ago
Thank u!