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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

hi i’ve done this question before and i tried to redo it and i cant get the answer right i dont understand anything could you help to explain this for me and also why must we use x and why cant we use 100%? i dont understand, thank you

Date Posted: 2 days ago
Views: 37
AC Lim
AC Lim
2 days ago
You can use 1999 = 100%
Therefore, 2000 = 100% × 115/100 = 115%
Then, 2001 = 115% × 110/100 = 126.5%

Hence, % Increased = 126.5%-100% = 26.5%.

But, as secondary level, you need to use algebra method to solve most of the question. So, as beginning, you need to learn & master basic algebra.
Hence, let year 1999 = x (unknown)

Your mistake is year earn for 2001.
In 2001, he earn 10% more than 2000.
So, in 2001 = 115% × 110/100 = 126.5%

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