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junior college 1 | H1 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H1 Maths chevron_right Singapore

I need help on how to solve

Date Posted: 3 months ago
Views: 59
Wee Wen Shih
Wee Wen Shih
3 months ago
Solving steps:

Let F be the foot of perpendicular from (2, 2, 4) to the plane.

Let A' be the reflection of A in the plane.

1. vector OF = (2, 2, 4) + t(4, 7, 8) where t is real

2. vector OF . (4, 7, 8) = 19, then solve for t

3. Obtain vector OF

4. By midpoint theorem,
vector OF = 1/2 (vector 0A + vector OA'), then find vector OA'

a = -22/129
b = -232/129
c = -44/129

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Bee Ling
Bee Ling's answer
18 answers (A Helpful Person)
I think there’re a lot of answers for this question, but these can be the simplest examples by just reflecting about each plane for 1,3,4; you may try to think how 2 can be obtained.