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primary 5 | Maths | Decimals
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Decimals chevron_right Singapore

Not sure how to do pls help

Date Posted: 5 months ago
Views: 90
Ming Xuan
Ming Xuan
5 months ago
P = Cost of pear, M = Cost of mango
7 P + 7 M = 10 P + 6 M

What is the same on both sides?

So, you can eliminate 7P on both sides
Leaving you,
7 M = 3P + 6 M

From here, we can see that 1M = 3P, which also means that the cost of one mango is three times the cost of one pear. (can draw model to visualise)

1 M = 3 units and 1 P = 1 unit.
The difference in units is 3-1 = 2
The difference in cost of pear and mango is $1.50

Thus, 2 units = $1.50

From here, you can find the cost of each pear (1 unit).

Hope this helps!

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Andrea Gabrielle Ong
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