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primary 5 | Maths
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Ronald Tan
Ronald Tan

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Thanks for helping

Date Posted: 4 months ago
Views: 76
4 months ago
Since the total on both months are the same, the decrease from Leon must be covered by Raees and James. If James increased by $110, the remaining $50 will be covered by Raees. Raees doubled his savings in August so this means that he saved $50 x 2 = $100 on August.

$160 - $110 = $50
Increase for Raees —> $50
Raees savings in August —> $50 x 2 = $100

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Rieka's answer
10 answers (A Helpful Person)
My model might not be accurate.

But I hope it helps