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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

how to do 3(b)?

Date Posted: 2 months ago
Views: 85
Wee Wen Shih
Wee Wen Shih
2 months ago
Answer only requires an accuracy of 3 significant figures, so use GC to compute.

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Yxcas's answer
184 answers (A Helpful Person)
Something like this? But this isn’t a 4mins solution… maybe there is a simpler way
Dr. G
Dr. G
2 months ago
Answer is 0.0390, working would be time consuming and most likely not possible for most students to do in 4 minutes unless they are just copying from worked solutions.
2 months ago
Nice. Yea if too little marks probably skip first during exam and come back later if have spare time.
2 months ago
Clearly this is a GC exercise given the time and answer type (3 s.f. rather than exact) requirements.

Hint for contributors who have not updated themselves with the current curriculum - anything that does not prohibit GC can be solved by GC, which includes definite integral to 3 s.f. in this case