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primary 6 | Maths
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

This is a ration question. Please help to show the worked solution please. Kindly refrain from using algebra to solve this question. Thank you!

Date Posted: 5 months ago
Views: 92

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13108 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this is the answer.
Sirius Mathematics
Sirius Mathematics
5 months ago
Hi there, I believe the answer to the last statement is TRUE. The difference between the two unshaded parts is 18 cm², which is the combined area of triangles 1, 2, and 3. Since these triangles are identical, each one has an area of 6 cm². Triangle EFD comprises of 4 identical triangles, so its area is 24 cm².
AC Lim
AC Lim
5 months ago
Yes. Think you are right.
I missed the 18cm² is actually equal to area of triangle 1,2 & 3.
I was wondering if area of triangle ABC is not 6 cm² but given different is 18 cm² then area of ABC = 6 cm².
Thank you for your explanation.