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primary 6 | Maths | Data Analysis
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Data analysis chevron_right Singapore

Please help. Thanks

Date Posted: 6 months ago
Views: 67
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
6 months ago
There is a minimum of 5 factors, simply because B could contain A as a factor.

Take for example, A = 3 and B = 27.

Check that B contains only 1, 3, 9 and 27 as factors.

The product of this is 81, and 81 contains 1, 3, 9, 27 and 81.

(Using higher level ideas)

The minimum of 5 factors can only be achieved when B = n and A takes the form n^3 where n is a prime number.

A x B = n^4, and there are only five factors 1, n, n^2, n^3 and n^4.

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Anvikha's answer
95 answers (A Helpful Person)
Keep in mind that pm means prime number and a prime number is a number that has only 2 factors, itself and 1.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
6 months ago
There is a flaw with this working.

Try A = 2 and B = 8.