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secondary 4 | A Maths
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lana <3
Lana <3

secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

I’m struggling so much please help

Date Posted: 3 months ago
Views: 98
3 months ago
a) Period = (2π)/(π/2) =4

bi) 11.8 = -6.2 + c -> c = 18

bii) f(9) = 6.2 sin (3π/4) +18 = 3.1 sqrt(2) + 18

c) g(1.5) = a sin(π/2) + b = a + b =14.5

g(14) = a sin(13π/6) + b = a/2 + b =10.2

Solving simultaneously

a = 8.6 and b = 5.9

d) I don't understand the question. the greatest difference of function g(x) with what?
lana <3
Lana <3
3 months ago
I did the simultaneously and my answers are slightly different. I’m not sure where I’ve gone wrong. yes! I don’t understand the last part either but thank you for your help!!!
Dr. G
Dr. G
2 months ago
Something's wrong with the question. Either the maximum and minimum points for f are wrong or the definition of f is wrong. See my explanation in screenshots.

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lana <3
Lana <3
2 months ago
you’ve been very helpful thank you!!!!
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