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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

It’s fraction

Date Posted: 1 month ago
Views: 58

See 2 Answers

Let’s denote the initial amount of money that both Sara and Maddy had as ( x ). According to the problem:
Sara received $60, so she had ( x + 60 ).
Maddy spent $332, so she had ( x - 332 ).
After these transactions, Maddy had 1/9 of what Sara had, so we can write the equation: ( x - 332 = \frac{1}{9}(x + 60) ).
To find the value of ( x ), we solve the equation:
[ 9(x - 332) = x + 60 ] [ 9x - 2988 = x + 60 ] [ 8x = 3048 ] [ x = 381 ]
So, initially, both Sara and Maddy had $381 each.
Now, let’s calculate how much they had in the end:
Sara had ( 381 + 60 = 441 ).
Maddy had ( 381 - 332 = 49 ).
In total, they had ( 441 + 49 = 490 ) dollars at the end.
Therefore, Sara and Maddy had a total of $490 in the end.


What is the ratio of Sara's money to Maddy's money?
How much did each have initially?
Can you solve a similar problem with different numbers?

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