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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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hiii pls help me with part iii and iv.. thank you !!
0...........6×(1/6)² = 1/6
1...........10×(1/6)² = 5/18
2...........8×(1/6)² = 2/9
3...........6×(1/6)² = 1/6
4...........4×(1/6)² = 1/9
5...........2×(1/6)² = 1 /18
ΣYP(Y)= 5/18 + 4/9 + 1/2 + 4/9 +5/18 = 35/18
E(W) = E(X1) - E(X2) = 0
W² = (X1 - X2)² = |X1 - X2|² = Y² -> E(W²) = E(Y²)
Var(W) = E(W²) - [E(W)]²
Var(Y) = E(Y²) - [E(Y)]²
Since E(W²) = E(Y²) and E(W) ≠ E(Y)
-> Var(W) ≠ Var(Y)
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