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primary 6 | Maths
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Sri Priya Darshini
Sri Priya Darshini

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

It would be great to help out with this question with an explanation. Thank you

Date Posted: 1 month ago
Views: 49

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Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan's answer
1032 answers (Tutor Details)
Since Jacki started 6min later, we have to find out in the first 6min what is the distance Henry have already covered in that 6min, which is 6.5km.

since they later past each other at the midpoint, town A to midpoint and town B to midpoint is 19.5km.

19.5km - 6.5km = 13km, Henry covers this 13km in the same time that Jacki cover 19.5km in order for them to past each other.

We find the time taken by Henry to cover 13km, whihc is 1/5h. So Jacki would also take 1/5h to cover 19.5km. Then we can find Jacki's speed, 97.5km/h.
Sri Priya Darshini
Sri Priya Darshini
1 month ago
Thank you very much for the clear explanation. Good day.